Friday, March 11, 2011

stay+home= homestay ^^

assalamualaikum w.b.t
allo geng!
long time no see,no news,no update from me..haha
ksian kn...
busy with my MELTECH current event..boleh kate setiap minggu ada event n i got no time to rest because
kalau la ade pon free time..i have to finish doing minit mesyurat n all kind of laporan here n there..
seriusly i need 36 hours per day..

actually aku nk cite la sket pasal event MELTECH pd 26-28 Febuari 2011..
erm...kitorng sume g Bukit gantanG ^^
haaa....main objective progrm ni ialah mngadakan pameran kesihatan ntok org kampung sekitar kawasn Bukit gantanG tu..
dalam masa  yg sama dpt jgak mengerat kan hubungan students dgn masyrakat kg dan lain-lain =)

hari kemuncak progrm tu pd hari sabtu..
where we invited school students to join kind of talk about FSK and so on..
pameran pon ada pd hari tu.pameran dari pelbagai jurusan dlm Fakulti Sains Ksihatan..
we have blood donation, a talk about cancer servik done by nearer hospital,n many more..

malam sabtu kami pula ada kenduri rakyat bersama org kampung..
makan bersama keluarga angkat masing2..
n yet..i got new sisters ya! haha
mak angkat n ayah angkat aku pon best..diorng sume baek..
masakan mak memang sedap..terbaek lah..
miss them already T______T
we still contact each other through fb..
advance kn mak angkat aku?hehe

secara keseluruhannya..homestay ari tu mmg best..

walaupun aktiviti kt situ tak bnyk berkonsepkan berfoya-foya mcm kat taman negara dulu..
tapi it still leave me a precious memory that is hard to get in other places and other time..
kerjasama yg terjalin between me n students from another part,seniors and juniors..i really thankful for that..
at least kami tegor-menegor each other..n i've made so many new friends there..
what a nice homstay's  product ^^
really appreciate it.. ; )

ok..enjoy viewing some pics..
till then~

bersama peserta pertandingan mewarna ^^

together with my step-parents n lovely sistaaaar..

jemput makan sume..hehe


aktiviti kami..^^

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